PIN for nurses

You can apply for the PIN with us to work as a nurse

What is the PIN?

The PIN is your personal registration number which is assigned by the NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council) The Pin is compulsory for working as a nurse in the UK. It is required in both public (NHS) and private hospitals and even in nursing homes.  The equivalent in Spain is the ‘Número de Colegiado’ (license number)

The Pin is issued directly by the NMC – Nursing and Midwifery Council. It is the official registry for nurses from all over the world registered in the UK,  Northern Ireland and the British Isles. The said organization  is in charge of issuing the PIN number or license number, which is compulsory and obligatory for working as a practicing nurse, as well as making sure all the requirements of the nursing code of conduct, performance and ethics are met.

What do I have to do to get my PIN?

Indispensable requirements for obtaining your PIN

First and foremost in order to validate your title you must be registered in any city in Spain.  Most associations allow payment every quarter or term, in this way you can avoid paying an annual fee. You should always inquire at the corresponding association as they don’t all charge the same fees.

The NMC accepts processing of any form which has been duly filled, they do however have three requirements:

  • That the applicant is in good health and does not suffer from any disease or condition which does not allow applicant to practice nursing.
  • That the applicant must not have been prevented from practicing nursing due to malpractice.
  • Applicant must not have a criminal record

Initial Steps involved in joining the register as a nurse

Once our fees have been paid, we will open your own personal file with us. This is where we will record every step taken in reference to your application. In this way we can conduct personal follow-ups of your file. We request constant communication between the agency and the candidate in order to speed up the process.

We will provide continuous assistance from beginning to end, right up to the moment you receive your PIN. We will take care of every step of the process, carrying out every step individually and diligently ensuring no document is missing, correcting mistakes, carrying out certified translations and of explaining the process step by step, thus enabling you to receive your pin as quickly as possible.

How long does it take?

Once all the documentation has been sent to the NMC,  it usually takes between two to three months. The most usual being two months although we usually warn applicants that the waiting period varies depending on the time of year it is.

What can we do for you if you hire us?

Jobs Agency FM is an agency recognized and registered by the NMC, they know our agency, who we are and how we work. They have demonstrated this by granting us a private access code in order for us to access information and files just like any other employment agency in the UK.

The NMC is an official organization and therefore controlled by the government that has imposed a legal obligation for the PIN to be  issued in a maximum period of three months (although it usually takes less time).

The only requirement on their part is that from the moment it is submitted, the application form is duly filled, includes all the correct documents and nothing is missing. In the case that any document is found missing or information is not filled correctly you will lose the right to receive your PIN number in the 3 month period required and in this case they have the right to take as much time as they feel necessary.

Very frequently, nurses who decide to undertake the process alone come to us after a few months feeling quite desperate as the process seems never ending and decide to hire us.

  • "I found Jobs Agency FM looking for a job as a nurse in UK. I sent my CV and  they called me at the moment.  I would definitely recommend FM 100%. Thank you very much for everything!"

    María Quispe
    María Quispe Nurse