You must include all relevant details for the company that is hiring you. For example, if you are a doctor or a nurse aiming to work in a hospital in Ireland or England, you must include your number of membership. In addition, it is desirable to add your Skype username since most of the interviews are conduted this way.

The details to be displayed are:

  • Name and surname.
  • Date of Birth.
  • Nationality.
  • Contact: email, phone, Skype.
  • Membership Number.
  • Notice period of your current job if you’re working.


Include from newest to oldest all your educational career, as well as the specialties. The oldest entry you must write is your general education degree (secondary education is not relevant information).


As in the previous section, the order must be from the most recent to the oldest, i.e.: the first job that appears will be the most current.

You must include from what date (month / year) until what date (month / year) you worked in each position and it is also important that for each entry, you specify the tasks or functions performed, especially those related to the work you are aiming for (obviously there is no need to include some duties like if you worked on a pizzeria and you are applying for a healthcare job).

If the experience that you have is only as a practicing student and you do not have any experience as a post-graduate, detail the location and duration of the practices in addition to the consequent functions performed.

Please note that for your recruitment, they will ask for references of your former working sites, so do not include anything you cannot prove or you had a bad experience with (this includes bad relationship with bosses or thinking that the site would not give a favourable report).


In this section is important to specify if you speak any languages, what level and if you have certified qualifications, courses that have completed, if you drive and have a vehicle… etc.